Press Release
July 17, 2024, SAN FRANCISCO — Former Board of Education Commissioner Ann Hsu announces today that she is running for the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) Board of Education this November. She is holding a press conference on Thursday, 7/18/2024 at 9:45 a.m. in front of the Asian Art Museum.
Ann Hsu was appointed to the Board of Education as Commissioner by Mayor London Breed in 2022, after she helped lead a successful Recall School Board campaign. Prior to serving as BOE Commissioner, Ann was the Chair of SFUSD’s Independent Citizens Bond Oversight Committee and President of the Galileo High School PTSA where her sons went to school. Before getting involved in education, Ann spent 25 years working in high tech as a professional and entrepreneur, founding and running three companies for a total of 18 years. After serving on the School Board, Ann founded Bertrand D Hsu American & Chinese Bicultural Academy located in San Francisco’s Potrero Hill neighborhood in 2023, a nonprofit K-8 school serving immigrant and working families.
Ann is an experienced School Board member and a straight arrow who has proven that she tells the truth and stands for what she believes is right -- even when it is unpopular. She is a leader who knows the inner workings of SFUSD, and through running her own school, knows first hand the importance and interwovenness of student academic and character education needs. Ann knows that schools are there to serve their customers (students and parents), values the role of teachers and administrators and has built three businesses and one nonprofit school. Ann will hit the ground running on Day One when elected.
When asked why she was getting back into politics, she replied,
“I am not returning to politics. I am returning to serve the students and parents of San Francisco in this time of crises! For the last year, my team and I have been working with low-income students who were 2-3 years (academically) behind their grade level when they arrived at our school. All of our parents are immigrants, many are monolingual, and several are single mothers. By implementing innovative methods and approaches, all our starting students reached or exceeded their grade level academically in math and improved by at least one grade level in English in one academic year. In addition to academics, we found that it was even more important to teach character traits including integrity, self-discipline, and resilience. Our school has found some innovative ways that have proven successful in addressing the needs of our students and families, and I want to introduce these learnings to SFUSD so that all public school students can benefit!” - Ann Hsu
Ann Hsu immigrated to the United States with her family at age 11, fleeing China after her father was forced into a reeducation camp during the Cultural Revolution, and Ann and her brother were banned from getting a college education. Ann holds a BS in electrical engineering from Penn State University, an MS in electrical engineering and MBA from UC Berkeley. She is the mother of twin sons who recently graduated from SFUSD’s Galileo and Lowell high schools.
【2024年7月17日,舊金山】— 前舊金山教育委員徐安今天宣布,她將於今年十一月再次競選舊金山聯合學區 (SFUSD) 教育委員。她將於 2024 年 7 月 18 日星期四上午 9:45 在亞洲藝術博物館前舉行新聞發布會。
徐安於2022 年被舊金山市長倫敦·布里德任任命為教育委員,此前她幫助領導了一場成功的罷免教委運動。在擔任教委之前,徐安曾擔任舊金山聯合學區獨立公民債券監督委員會主席和她兒子們就讀的伽利略(Galileo)高中的家長教師學生協會(PTSA)主席。在涉足教育領域之前,徐安在高科技領域工作了二十五年,作為專業人士和企業家,她創辦並經營了三家公司,共計十八年。在教委會任職後,徐安於 2023年在舊金山的 Potrero Hill社區創辦了徐大宏美中雙文化學校(Bert Hsu Academy),一所為移民和工薪家庭服務的全日制K-8私立學校。
「我不是回到政界。在這個危機時刻,我是回來為舊金山的學生和家長們服務的!在過去的一年裡,我和我的團隊一直在與移民和低收入家庭合作,教育他們的孩子。和方式,我們所有的學生都在一學年內在數學上達到或超過了他們的年級水平,同時在英語方面也提高了至少一個年級的水平。正直、自律和毅力。 我們學校發現了一些滿足學生和家庭需求的創新方法,我希望將這些經驗引入舊金山聯合學區,使所有公立學校的學生都能受益!」-- 徐安
徐安十一歲時隨家人移民到美國,因為她的父親在文化大革命期間被迫被送進再教育營,安和她的哥哥被禁止接受大學教育。 徐安擁有賓州州立大學電機工程學士學位、加州大學柏克萊分校電機工程碩士學位和工商管理碩士學位。她是雙胞胎兒子的母親,他們最近剛從舊金山聯合校區的伽利略 Galileo高中和洛厄爾 Lowell 高中畢業。