Press Release
August 6, 2024, SAN FRANCISCO — Board of Education Candidate Ann Hsu is asking the Superintendent and Board of Education to tell families what the plan is when a school is closed or consolidated. Regardless of which schools are to be closed or consolidated, parents and teachers need to know how the transition will be managed so they can understand their options and plan for their families as soon as possible.
The Superintendent is scheduled to submit the list of school closings at the September 2024 Board meeting, but the Board of Education is not scheduled to vote on the submission until December 2024. Why is there such a long delay? Is the list expected to change in that 3-month period? Given that there will not be a definitive decision until the Board votes in December, it is imperative that families be given some concrete understanding of how the transition will take place both at the closed and the consolidated schools.
The Superintendent needs to share his plan with the Board of Education and the public for what will happen when any school is closed or consolidated. Will families of closed schools be placed in the closest school geographically located to their former school? Or, will these families have first preference at any school with openings that they choose? What extra administrative resources will be available to support affected parents and teachers? What is the plan for schools that will absorb new students, teachers, paraprofessionals and other staff? These families and staff also need to know how to plan. How will the incoming students, parents and staff be oriented and welcomed to their new school?
“Given that SFUSD is under the eye of the State Financial Advisors who can veto any decision that has a fiscal component, we all need to accept the fact that some schools will be closed and consolidated. What SFUSD can and should control now is how this transition can be made as smoothly as possible to reduce the negative impact on our students, families, teachers, paraprofessionals and other staff. I call upon the Superintendent and the Board of Education to start informing the SFUSD community what that plan is ASAP so that they can provide feedback and plan for their families.” - Ann Hsu
Ann Hsu is a School Founder and Principal and the mother of twin SFUSD graduates. She is also a former Board of Education Commissioner, Chair of the Citizens’ Bond Oversight Committee, President of the Galileo High School PTSA and a leader of the successful Recall School Board campaign. She has founded and managed 3 companies over 18 years. Ann immigrated to America with her family at age 11, fleeing China after her father was forced into a reeducation camp during the Cultural Revolution. She holds a BS in electrical engineering from Penn State University, a MS in electrical engineering and MBA from UC Berkeley.
【2024年8月6日,舊金山】— 前舊金山教育委員,現任教委候選人徐安要求校監和教委會盡快告訴家長關校的實施計畫。無論哪些學校將被關閉,家長和教師都需要知道過渡計劃,以便他們能夠為自己和家人做好準備。
“因為我們的校區已經被加州州政府教育局所派的財務顧問監督,他們也有權利否決任何教委會做出涉及財政的決定,我們都需要接受學校將被關閉的事實。現在我們學區能做的事情就是控制如何順利地實施關校的計劃,減少對我們的學生、家庭、教師、助教和其他工作人員的負面影響,讓他們能夠為他們的家庭做計劃和準備。” - 徐安